Substance Use Disorder Prevention

Substance Use Disorder
Prevention Program

"The opposite of addiction, is connection."

Our Substance Use Disorder Prevention Program has a four pronged approach: Wellness, Prevention, Recovery, and Promotion. We are dedicated to reducing risk factors and promoting protective factors.

Wellness | Prevention | Recovery | Promotion
Wellness | Prevention | Recovery | Promotion

We are available to meet with community groups, businesses, and other organizations to provide information and/or training on the substance use disorder prevention strategies listed on this page.

For more information regarding:
- Montcalm County, contact John Kroneck at

Find Addiction Recovery Meetings and Support Groups in your county here:

Naloxone (Narcan)

What is Naloxone?

Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids—including heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioid medications.

How does Naloxone work and how do you use it?

Naloxone quickly reverses an overdose by blocking the effects of opioids. It can restore normal breathing within 2 to 3 minutes in a person whose breath has slowed, or even stopped, as a result of opioid overdose. More than one dose of naloxone may be required when stronger opioids like fentanyl are involved.

Naloxone won’t harm someone if they’re overdosing on drugs other than opioids. So it’s always best to use it if you think someone is overdosing.

If you give someone naloxone, stay with them until emergency help arrives or for at least four hours to make sure their breathing returns to normal.

Our Initiatives at MMDHD


Project SUCCESS is a research-based program designed to prevent and reduce substance use and abuse among adolescents attending middle school and high school in Montcalm County. The program uses interventions that are effective in reducing risk factors and enhancing protective factors and based on the following principles:

  • Increasing perception of risk of harm
  • Changing adolescents' norms and expectations about substance use
  • Building and enhancing social and resistance skills
  • Changing community norms and values regarding substance use
  • Fostering and enhancing resiliency and protective factors, especially in high-risk youth

There are four program topics, which include:

  • Being a Kid (Brain Development)
  • Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
  • Relationships with Friends and Family
  • Coping Skills

Youth Leadership

The Montcalm Youth Wellness Committee was formed in 2017 to empower young people in Montcalm County to make good choices for their health and well-being and to develop leadership skills to facilitate positive social change. The students are taught to recognize and analyze the risk factors and local conditions that affect health and substance use in their own schools and communities, which allows them to tackle issues important to them. This group is made up of 8th through 12th grade students from several Montcalm County schools. Past accomplishments include:

  • Assisting with Greenville Public School's anti-vaping team
  • Supporting county vaping ordinances
  • Sticker Shock- an initiative to bring awareness of the problem of underage drinking in partnership with the Montcalm County Sheriff's Department
  • Attending prevention conferences

Wellness Program

This program focuses on the positive choices and actions we can engage with to build a successful and meaningful life. It also has the added benefit of increasing the length and quality of life.

Alcohol and Tobacco Compliance Checks

Regular compliance checks with local alcohol and tobacco vendors are conducted in cooperation with the Montcalm Prevention Collaborative, local police departments, and Michigan State Police.

Our Partners

We are proud to partner with the following organizations:

Montcalm County:

  • Montcalm Prevention Collaborative
  • Healthy Montcalm
  • Montcalm Human Services Coalition
  • Recovery & Integrated Services of Care (RISC)
  • Montcalm Alano Club
  • Adult Recovery Court
  • Trauma Champions
  • Substance Use Disorder Advisory Council
  • Project Success (in schools)
  • Youth Leadership programs (in schools)
  • Sheridan Hospital
  • Corwell Health
  • Local, County, and State Law Enforcement